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Attack The Horde Tutorial Series

The Attack The Horde Tutorial Series is a guide that takes the viewer through the entire process of making a top down shooter for the iPhone in UDK without any coding. The original game was created by Arran Langmead, Christian Brindley and Lauren Woodroffe. Tutorial series created by Arran Langmead and Christian Brindley

Chapter 1

Exporting textures and meshes from Photoshop and 3DS Max 2012.

Tutorial 1.1

Import and Package setup within UDK.

Tutorial 1.2

Chapter 2

Character rig, skin, animate and export using .FBX

Tutorial 2.1

Weapon rig, skin and export using .FBX

Tutorial 2.2

Chapter 3

Character import into UDK and setup for material and animations

Tutorial 3.1

Player character setup

Tutorial 3.2.1

Player character setup continued

Tutorial 3.2.2

Weapon setup

Tutorial 3.3.1

Weapon setup continued

Tutorial 3.3.2

Chapter 4

Creating environment collision and navmesh

Tutorial 4.1

Enemy setup

Tutorial 4.2

Enemy spawning

Tutorial 4.3

Chapter 5

Creating a button that changes camera

Tutorial 5.1

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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