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Category Special Effects

Thank you for joining us in the FX community. Below is a listing of information regarding the breakdowns of FX. This is not meant to be a tutorial per say but as a tool to gain more information on what foundation you have.


Special Effects, also called FX, SFX, Visual Effects, VFX and Real-Time VFX are an essential part of gaming. The amount of immersion caused by that small puff of dust of the foot while running on a dusty area helps the player feel as they are actually moving the avatar in that virtual world. Someone being bunched in the mouth is much less dramatic then them spitting out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth. I could go on forever with how many options there are for us as artists to push the limits of immersion.


Everything that is Real-Time VFX can be broken down into 3 major categories. These are: Particles, Shaders and Simulations.



Particles can be broken down a large amount and it all depends on what game engine you may be using. Each individual term will define with either UDK/UE4 and/or UNITY.

1. Modules

  1. Required
  2. Type Data

1. test2


Something inside here to break up headers.


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Pages in category "SpecialEffects"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

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