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<!-- ## page was renamed from Subdivision Surface Modeling -->
= Subdivision Surface Modeling =
This is a modeling technique for making high-resolution models, by manipulating a lower-resolution "cage" model and using software to subdivide for a smoother surface.
Subdividing increases the number of  vertices on the model, making curves more rounded. Usually each subdivision level increases the vertex count 4x the original count.
For game artists, "high-poly hard-surface" usually means creating mechanical/constructed models, which are used to bake into [[Normal Maps]] and other [[:Category:TextureTypes|types of textures]], which are in turn used on lower-resolution game-friendly models.
Subdivision surfaces can also be used for organic shapes.
Not to be confused with [[SmoothingGroups]]. Sometimes the term "box modeling" is used, though this applies only to the cage modeling process, not to the subdivision.
== Subdivision Methods ==
There are many ways to subdivide models. 3ds Max uses mostly the Meshsmooth or Turbosmooth modifiers, while Maya uses mostly the Smooth Mesh Preview (3 key) or Subdiv Proxy.
Beware: Maya's "Subdivision Surface" system is a specialized case which allows different subdivision levels in different areas; this is different from most other modeling tools which divide the whole model instead.
Many tools now support Pixar's [http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv OpenSubdiv library] which may help solve this issue. However the full modeling pipeline should be tested early, to avoid costly errors later on.
=== Creases ===
Some 3d modeling tools support edge creasing, which allows setting subdivision tension on specific edges. This creates degrees of edge "hardness".
These crease weights typically only work within the original modeling software and are not exportable.
Models made for games are often exported to work with multiple modeling and baking tools... trying to export a model with creases or local subdivisions may not retain the original modeler's intent.
<span id="P"></span>
== Primers ==
== Primers ==
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_subdsurfacesoverview.png]]<<BR>>
[http://www.guerrillacg.org/home/3d-polygon-modeling/subdivision-surfaces-overview Subdivision Surfaces: Overview] video from [http://www.guerrillacg.org/about The GuerrillaCG Project]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_subdtopologyartifacts.png]]<<BR>>
[http://www.guerrillacg.org/home/3d-polygon-modeling/subdivision-topology-artifacts Subdivision Topology Artifacts] video from [http://www.guerrillacg.org/about The GuerrillaCG Project]<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckOTl2GcS-E Subdivision Surfaces: Overview] video from [http://www.guerrillacg.org/about The GuerrillaCG Project]
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_tecnicasmodelado.png]]<<BR>>
[http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/index.htm Técnicas modelado por subdivisión] by [http://www.etereaestudios.com/ Cristóbal Vila] ([http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/index.htm English translation by Google]) <<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_S1INdEmdI Subdivision Topology Artifacts] video from [http://www.guerrillacg.org/about The GuerrillaCG Project]
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_subdmodelingprimer.png]]<<BR>>
[http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/page1.htm Sub-Division Primer] from [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com]<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv/docs/mod_notes.html OpenSubdiv - Modeling Tips] by [http://graphics.pixar.com/ Pixar].
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_digitalsculpturetechniques.png]]<<BR>>[http://www.theminters.com/misc/articles/derived-surfaces/index.htm Digital Sculpture Techniques] by [http://cube.phlatt.net/home/spiraloid/ Bay Raitt] and [http://www.izware.com/ Greg Minter]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_thepole.png]]<<BR>>[http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/forums/showthread.php?t=907 The Pole] from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://vimeo.com/10941211 Hard Surface Fundamentals] for 3ds Max by [http://digitalapprentice.net/ Grant 'sathe' Warwick]
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_thepolerevised.png]]<<BR>>[http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8000 The Pole - Revised] from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum<<BR>><<BR>>
* [http://gotwires.blogspot.de/ gotwires.blogspot.de] Got Wires is all about Subdivision Modeling: Video Tutorials, Sub-D Wires and Modeling Resources.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://web.archive.org/web/20170705234648/http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/index.htm Técnicas modelado por subdivisión] by [http://www.etereaestudios.com/ Cristóbal Vila]  
[http://probiner.x10.mx/forum/showthread.php?tid=4 subdivisionmodeling.com: The POLE] from the defunct subdivisionmodeling.com
[http://pushingpoints.com/v2/got-wires/ gotwires] Got Wires is all about Subdivision Modeling: Video Tutorials, Sub-D Wires and Modeling Resources.
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivision_surface Subdivision surface - Wikipedia] has good technical info about sub-d.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134116 Shared: My Technical Talk content] by [http://www.3pointstudios.com Per 'Perna' Abrahamsen].
[http://polycount.com/discussion/157205/how-u-model-dem-shapes-image-ripped How u model dem shapes? Image Ripped!] by [http://polycount.com/profile/cookedpeanut cookedpeanut]
[https://www.pinterest.com/Makkon06/hard-surface-topology/ Pinterest: Hard Surface Topology] by [http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2466138/#Comment_2466138 Ben 'Makkon' Hale]
[http://polycount.com/discussion/182056/modeling-workflows-and-their-advantages-disadvantages-on-the-workplace Modeling workflows and their advantages\disadvantages on the workplace .]
<span id="HS"></span>
== Hard Surfaces ==
== Hard Surfaces ==
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_firehydrant.png]]<<BR>>
[[Image:subd_benbolton.jpg|120px]] [http://polycount.com/discussion/168610/proboolean-dynamesh-hardsurface-workflow-tutorial/p1 Proboolean + Dynamesh hardsurface workflow tutorial]
[http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/3d-art/model-a-detailed-high-poly-fire-hydrant-in-3ds-max/ Model a Detailed High Poly Fire Hydrant in 3ds Max] - by ''[http://www.bentateonline.com Ben Tate]''<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_per1283dtutorials.png]]<<BR>>
[[Image:subd_SimonFuchs.jpg|120px]] [https://gumroad.com/simonfuchs Basic Hardsurface Tutorials By Simon Fuchs.]
[http://www.per128.com/pages_tutorials/index.html 3D Tutorials] from [http://www.per128.com/ Per Abrahamsen aka Per128]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_modelinghipolyweaponsispainful.png]] <<BR>>
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=37457 modeling hi poly weapons is painful, any tips?] from the [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount Boards]<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://polycount.com/discussion/56014/how-the-f-do-i-model-this-reply-for-help-with-specific-shapes/p1 How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes] thread on the Polycount Forum.
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_technicalhighpolyworkflow.png]] <<BR>>
[[File:subd_floatingpanelinglines.jpg|120px|middle]] [http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/File:Subd_floatingpanelinglines.jpg Making paneling lines as a floater for 3ds Max] by [http://boyluya.blogspot.com/ Ralphie 'boyluya' Agenar]. From the Polycount Forum thread [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115361 Firefall - Hard surface Art Dump].<br clear=all>
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=38222 Technical highpoly workflow tutorial and scripts] from the [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount Boards]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_howumodeldemshapes.png]] <<BR>>
[[Image:subd_probooleans.png]] [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=106272 Using ProBooleans in 3ds Max for sub-d modeling] Polycount forum thread.
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=56014 Hands-on mini-tuts for mechanical sub-d] from the [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount Boards]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_circularholes.png]] <<BR>>
[http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/agujeros.htm How to create circular holes by subdivision] by [http://www.etereaestudios.com Etereae Studios] ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/agujeros.htm translated into English] by Google)<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.per128.com/pages_tutorials/index.html 3D Tutorials] from [http://www.per128.com/ Per Abrahamsen aka Per128]
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_inorganicfundamentals1.png]]<<BR>>
[[Image:subd_marcusaseth.png]] [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=86882 Minitutorials by Marcus Aseth] - by ''[http://www.polycount.com/forum/member.php?u=41030 Marcus Aseth]''. Modeling gun parts, etc.
[http://area.autodesk.com/tutorials/inorganic_modeling_fundamentals_part_1 Inorganic Modeling Fundamentals : Part 1] for 3ds Max by [http://digitalapprentice.net/ Grant Warwick] <<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_inorganicfundamentals2.png]]<<BR>>
[[Image:subd_slipgatecentral.png]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=epqUf2SI3kw hard surface modelling hints pt1] - by ''[http://slipgateworks.blogspot.com/ 'slipgatecentral']''. Creating floaters in Maya, short video tutorial.
[http://area.autodesk.com/tutorials/inorganic_modeling_fundamentals_part_2 Inorganic Modeling Fundamentals : Part 2] for 3ds Max by [http://digitalapprentice.net/ Grant Warwick] <<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_modelingbathroomtiles.png]] <<BR>>
  [[ModelingBathroomTiles]] - by [http://www.valent.us okkun]<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/agujeros.htm How to create circular holes by subdivision] by [http://www.etereaestudios.com Etereae Studios] ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.etereaestudios.com/training_img/subd_tips/agujeros.htm translated into English] by Google)
[http://blog.whiteblaizer.com/tutorials/ Subdivision Tips – Hard Surface Modelling] by [http://blog.whiteblaizer.com/ Alberto 'Blaizer' Lozano] ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://blog.whiteblaizer.com/tutorials translated into English] by Google)
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117488 Double Smooth] - by [http://www.poopinmymouth.com Ben 'poopinmymouth' Mathis]Video tutorial demonstrates the double-smooth technique for fast sub-d modeling.
[http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/3d-art/model-a-detailed-high-poly-fire-hydrant-in-3ds-max/ Model a Detailed High Poly Fire Hydrant in 3ds Max] - by ''[http://www.bentateonline.com Ben Tate]''
[[Image:sculpt_philipkmetal.png]] [http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/metalmatte/metalmatte.html Matte Metal Tutorial] - by [http://www.philipk.net Philip 'Philipk' Klevestav]Modeling and texturing a sci-fi metal plate wall using 3ds Max and Photoshop. More modeling and texturing tutorials at http://www.philipk.net/tutorials.html.
[[ModelingBathroomTiles]] - by [http://www.valent.us okkun]
[http://polycount.com/discussion/37457/modeling-hi-poly-weapons-is-painful-any-tips modeling hi poly weapons is painful, any tips?] from the Polycount Forum.
[http://polycount.com/discussion/38222/technical-highpoly-workflow-tutorial-and-scripts Technical highpoly workflow tutorial and scripts] from the Polycount Forum.
[[Image:subd_chainmailneox.png]]  [http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/1115091/#Comment_1115091 Modeling chainmail in 3ds Max] - by ''[http://polyphobia.de Steffen "Neox" Unger]''
<span id="OS"></span>
<span id="OS"></span>
== Organic Surfaces ==
== Organic Surfaces ==
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_makingofmoff.png]]<<BR>>
[http://www.daz-art.com/hi_poly_tut.htm The Making of Moff - High Polygon Realistic Character Creation] - by ''[http://www.daz-art.com/ Darren "Daz" Pattenden]''<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.daz-art.com/hi_poly_tut.htm The Making of Moff - High Polygon Realistic Character Creation] - by ''[http://www.daz-art.com/ Darren "Daz" Pattenden]''
[http://polycount.com/discussion/71189/modeling-shoe-laces-boot-laces-etc Modeling shoe laces, boot laces... etc.] from the [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount Boards]
[[Image:subd_digitalsculpturetechniques.png]][http://www.theminters.com/misc/articles/derived-surfaces/index.htm Digital Sculpture Techniques] by [http://cube.phlatt.net/home/spiraloid/ Bay Raitt] and [http://www.izware.com/ Greg Minter]
[[Image:subd_thepole.png]][http://web.archive.org/web/20101231124113/http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/forums/showthread.php?t=907 The Pole] from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum. Saved here: [[Media:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_The-Pole.pdf]] (10MB PDF)
[[Image:subd_thepolerevised.png]][http://web.archive.org/web/20110101013544/http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8000 The Pole - Revised] from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum
[[Image:subd_thebody.png]][[Media:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_Topology-Body.pdf]] (1MB PDF) from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum.
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_shoelaces.png]] <<BR>>
[[Image:subd_thehead.png]][[Media:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_Topology-Head.pdf]] (8MB PDF) from the [http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/ Subdivisionmodeling.com] forum.
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=71189 Modeling shoe laces, boot laces... etc.] from the [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount Boards]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:SubdivisionSurfaceModeling$subd_chainmailneox.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showpost.php?p=1115091&postcount=156 Modeling chainmail in 3ds Max] - by ''[http://polyphobia.de Steffen "Neox" Unger]''<<BR>><<BR>>
== Tips & Tricks ==
== More Information ==
== More Information ==
* [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56014 How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)] Polycount forum thread.
* [http://polycount.com/discussion/174639/polyhertzs-3dsmax-script-quick-high-poly Polyhertz's 3dsMax script - 'Quick High-Poly']
* [http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/1087295/#Comment_1087295 select every other edge on collapsed subdivided mesh - 3dsmax] Polycount forum thread (how to reverse-engineer a subdivided mesh)
* [[BaseMesh]]
* [[BaseMesh]]
* [[Category:Topology]]
* [[CharacterSculpting]]
* [[CharacterSculpting]]
* [[PolygonCount]]
* [[PolygonCount]]
* [[ReTopologyModeling]]
* [[ReTopologyModeling]]
* [[Tools#Main_3D_Software_Packages|Tools]]
* [[Topology]]
[[Category:CharacterModeling]] [[Category:EnvironmentModeling]]
[[Category:Character]] [[Category:CharacterModeling]] [[Category:Topology]] [[Category:Environment]] [[Category:EnvironmentModeling]] [[Category:PropsModeling]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 15 May 2021

This is a modeling technique for making high-resolution models, by manipulating a lower-resolution "cage" model and using software to subdivide for a smoother surface.

Subdividing increases the number of vertices on the model, making curves more rounded. Usually each subdivision level increases the vertex count 4x the original count.

For game artists, "high-poly hard-surface" usually means creating mechanical/constructed models, which are used to bake into Normal Maps and other types of textures, which are in turn used on lower-resolution game-friendly models.

Subdivision surfaces can also be used for organic shapes.

Not to be confused with SmoothingGroups. Sometimes the term "box modeling" is used, though this applies only to the cage modeling process, not to the subdivision.

Subdivision Methods

There are many ways to subdivide models. 3ds Max uses mostly the Meshsmooth or Turbosmooth modifiers, while Maya uses mostly the Smooth Mesh Preview (3 key) or Subdiv Proxy.

Beware: Maya's "Subdivision Surface" system is a specialized case which allows different subdivision levels in different areas; this is different from most other modeling tools which divide the whole model instead.

Many tools now support Pixar's OpenSubdiv library which may help solve this issue. However the full modeling pipeline should be tested early, to avoid costly errors later on.


Some 3d modeling tools support edge creasing, which allows setting subdivision tension on specific edges. This creates degrees of edge "hardness".

These crease weights typically only work within the original modeling software and are not exportable.

Models made for games are often exported to work with multiple modeling and baking tools... trying to export a model with creases or local subdivisions may not retain the original modeler's intent.


Subd subdsurfacesoverview.png Subdivision Surfaces: Overview video from The GuerrillaCG Project

Subd subdtopologyartifacts.png Subdivision Topology Artifacts video from The GuerrillaCG Project

Subd opensubdiv.png OpenSubdiv - Modeling Tips by Pixar.

Subd inorganicfundamentals1.png Hard Surface Fundamentals for 3ds Max by Grant 'sathe' Warwick

Subd tecnicasmodelado.png Técnicas modelado por subdivisión by Cristóbal Vila

Subd subdmodelingprimer.png subdivisionmodeling.com: The POLE from the defunct subdivisionmodeling.com

Subd gotwires.png gotwires Got Wires is all about Subdivision Modeling: Video Tutorials, Sub-D Wires and Modeling Resources.

Subd wikipedia.png Subdivision surface - Wikipedia has good technical info about sub-d.

Subd perna.png Shared: My Technical Talk content by Per 'Perna' Abrahamsen.

How u model dem shapes? Image Ripped! by cookedpeanut

SubD Makkon.jpg Pinterest: Hard Surface Topology by Ben 'Makkon' Hale

Modeling workflows and their advantages\disadvantages on the workplace .

Hard Surfaces

Subd benbolton.jpg Proboolean + Dynamesh hardsurface workflow tutorial

Subd SimonFuchs.jpg Basic Hardsurface Tutorials By Simon Fuchs.

Subd howumodeldemshapes.png How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes thread on the Polycount Forum.

Subd floatingpanelinglines.jpg Making paneling lines as a floater for 3ds Max by Ralphie 'boyluya' Agenar. From the Polycount Forum thread Firefall - Hard surface Art Dump.

Subd probooleans.png Using ProBooleans in 3ds Max for sub-d modeling Polycount forum thread.

Subd per1283dtutorials.png 3D Tutorials from Per Abrahamsen aka Per128

Subd marcusaseth.png Minitutorials by Marcus Aseth - by Marcus Aseth. Modeling gun parts, etc.

Subd slipgatecentral.png hard surface modelling hints pt1 - by 'slipgatecentral'. Creating floaters in Maya, short video tutorial.

Subd circularholes.png How to create circular holes by subdivision by Etereae Studios (translated into English by Google)

Subd blaizer.png Subdivision Tips – Hard Surface Modelling by Alberto 'Blaizer' Lozano (translated into English by Google)

Subd doublesmooth.png Double Smooth - by Ben 'poopinmymouth' MathisVideo tutorial demonstrates the double-smooth technique for fast sub-d modeling.

Subd firehydrant.png Model a Detailed High Poly Fire Hydrant in 3ds Max - by Ben Tate

Sculpt philipkmetal.png Matte Metal Tutorial - by Philip 'Philipk' KlevestavModeling and texturing a sci-fi metal plate wall using 3ds Max and Photoshop. More modeling and texturing tutorials at http://www.philipk.net/tutorials.html.

Subd modelingbathroomtiles.png ModelingBathroomTiles - by okkun

Subd modelinghipolyweaponsispainful.png modeling hi poly weapons is painful, any tips? from the Polycount Forum.

Subd technicalhighpolyworkflow.png Technical highpoly workflow tutorial and scripts from the Polycount Forum.

Subd chainmailneox.png Modeling chainmail in 3ds Max - by Steffen "Neox" Unger

Organic Surfaces

Subd makingofmoff.png The Making of Moff - High Polygon Realistic Character Creation - by Darren "Daz" Pattenden

Subd shoelaces.png Modeling shoe laces, boot laces... etc. from the Polycount Boards

Subd digitalsculpturetechniques.pngDigital Sculpture Techniques by Bay Raitt and Greg Minter

Subd thepole.pngThe Pole from the Subdivisionmodeling.com forum. Saved here: Media:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_The-Pole.pdf (10MB PDF)

Subd thepolerevised.pngThe Pole - Revised from the Subdivisionmodeling.com forum

Subd thebody.pngMedia:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_Topology-Body.pdf (1MB PDF) from the Subdivisionmodeling.com forum.

Subd thehead.pngMedia:SubdivisionModelingDotCom_Topology-Head.pdf (8MB PDF) from the Subdivisionmodeling.com forum.

Tips & Tricks

Subdiv plasticchair.jpg Subdiv roundinsets.jpg Subdiv tubes-oblastradiuso.jpg Subdiv transition.jpg Subdiv cylinder-extrusion.jpg Subdiv cylinder-extrusion3.png Subdiv gunstock-racer445.jpg Subdiv bolt-insets.png Santos Polygone-Table-Stage-2.png Santos PolygonTableSketchA.png Santos Polygon-Table v04.png Santos MovingPolesv01 web.png Subdiv stepdownguide.png Subdiv quad topology tips PeterSatera.jpg

More Information

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