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* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_eulaerswall.png]]]] <<BR>> [http://www.brameulaers.com/tutorials/generic_wall_tutorial/generic_wall_tutorial.html Generic wall tutorial] - by ''[http://www.brameulaers.com Bram "Peris" Eulaers]''<<BR>>Using 3ds Max and Mudbox to sculpt tilable [[Category:Environment#EW|modular sections]] for a stone wall.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_eulaerswall.png]]]] <<BR>> [http://www.brameulaers.com/tutorials/generic_wall_tutorial/generic_wall_tutorial.html Generic wall tutorial] - by ''[http://www.brameulaers.com Bram "Peris" Eulaers]''<<BR>>Using 3ds Max and Mudbox to sculpt tilable [[Category:Environment#EW|modular sections]] for a stone wall.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_rockmodelingapproaches.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=50160 Rock modeling approaches] - a [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount] thread <<BR>>A variety of approaches for sculpting individual rocks and tilable cliffs.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_rockmodelingapproaches.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=50160 Rock modeling approaches] - a [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount] thread <<BR>>A variety of approaches for sculpting individual rocks and tilable cliffs.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_shepherdtilingmeshes.png]]]] <<BR>> [http://osart3d.wordpress.com/home-page/tutorial-creating-perfectly-tiling-meshes-in-zbrush-for-use-in-videogame-environments/ Creating Perfectly Tiling Meshes in Zbrush for use in Videogame Environments] - by ''[http://osart3d.wordpress.com/ Owen "SHEPEIRO" Shepherd]''<<BR>>Using ZBrush's 2.5D canvas to tile stamped meshes, then using Maya to model tilable geometry.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_shepherdtilingmeshes.png]] <<BR>> [http://osart3d.wordpress.com/home-page/tutorial-creating-perfectly-tiling-meshes-in-zbrush-for-use-in-videogame-environments/ Creating Perfectly Tiling Meshes in Zbrush for use in Videogame Environments] - by ''[http://osart3d.wordpress.com/ Owen "SHEPEIRO" Shepherd]''<<BR>>Using ZBrush's 2.5D canvas to tile stamped meshes, then using Maya to model tilable geometry.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_robsonmudboxtiling.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.mudboxhub.com/s/videos Creating Tiled Textures and Displacement in Mudbox 2009] - by ''[http://www.dashdotslash.net/ Wayne Robson]''<<BR>>Painting in Mudbox on the middle of a 3x3 grid where each quad has the same overlapped UVs. (video is about halfway down the page)<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_robsonmudboxtiling.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.mudboxhub.com/s/videos Creating Tiled Textures and Displacement in Mudbox 2009] - by ''[http://www.dashdotslash.net/ Wayne Robson]''<<BR>>Painting in Mudbox on the middle of a 3x3 grid where each quad has the same overlapped UVs. (video is about halfway down the page)<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_henrichsmudboxtilingstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2009/11/here-another-tutorial-concerning.html Tileable Stone in Mudbox] - by ''[http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]''<<BR>>Sculpting in Mudbox, loading the displacement map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams with more sculpting in Mudbox.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_henrichsmudboxtilingstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2009/11/here-another-tutorial-concerning.html Tileable Stone in Mudbox] - by ''[http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]''<<BR>>Sculpting in Mudbox, loading the displacement map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams with more sculpting in Mudbox.<<BR>><<BR>>

Revision as of 11:44, 17 August 2010

Environment Sculpting

Environment sculpting is the process of creating a high-resolution 3D model with a series of painting strokes, using a pressure-sensitive tablet or screen. Usually the details from these models are baked into a NormalMap for a lower-resolution in-game model.

Sculpting Tutorials

Tiled Sculpting

Sculpting in order to create a tiling NormalMap or DisplacementMap texture.


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