From polycount
Revision as of 18:18, 29 June 2021 by RomanGrolimund (Talk | contribs)
Landscape also called terrain.
Terrain can described with different approaches
- Terrain Cover: Vegetation,water,desert, dry,soil, snow, roads, buildings
- Landform: endogenic: internal forces ( tetonic, volcanic, hotspring)| exogenic: glacier forms, marine forms, karst forms (relief)
- Landmarks: high mountains,high plateau, low mountain, hills
And it can be further described by
- Terrain features: river,lakes, coast lines, roads, railways, settlements
- Natural ressources: soil,vegetation, geology, climate
In CG we try to replicate the reality. For this we use a heightmap. It describes the elevation in grey values from 0-255
Terrain Modeling
- Track AND Terrain thread on the Polycount forum.
- Welcome to CeleryLand! - by Jason 'futurepoly' Stokes, also see his Youtube channel.
- Pirate castle (UDK) - by Guillaume 'romy' Provost
- Blade & Soul Environments Polycount forum thread, plus info on large terrains in UE3 (Unreal Engine 3).
- How to make terrains for games - by 'choco'
- Erosion Terrain Tutorial - by 'choco'
- Best way to go about making Terrain? thread on the Polycount forum.
- (UDK) Helms Deep & Fort HornBurg - by Vincent 'ParoXum' Mayeur
- Landscape system in Unreal Engine 3 - by Epic Games
Terrain Texturing
- Terrain Advanced Textures - by Epic Games
- Landscape Materials in Unreal Engine 3 - by Epic Games
- Landscape Layer Blend thread on the Polycount forum.
- UDN UnrealEngine2 Vertex Blending Tutorial - by Epic Games
- Terrain Rendering in Frostbite using Procedural Shader Splatting - by DICE (Siggraph 2007)
- UE3 Terrain Tutorial - by Sjoerd 'hourences' De Jong
- EnvironmentSculpting#Tilable_Cliffs
- MultiTexture