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<!-- ## page was renamed from [[DigitalSculpting]] -->
Environment sculpting is the process of creating a high-resolution 3D model with a series of painting strokes, using [[Tools#3D_Sculpting_Software|3D sculpting software]]. Usually the details from these models are [[Texture Baking|baked]] into a [[Normal map]] for a lower-resolution in-game model.
<!-- ## page was renamed from Digital Sculpting -->
= Environment Sculpting =
Environment sculpting is the process of creating a high-resolution 3D model with a series of painting strokes, using [[Category:Tools#A3D_Sculpting_Software|3D sculpting software]]. Usually the details from these models are baked into a [[NormalMap]] for a lower-resolution in-game model.
== Sculpting Tiled Maps ==
Sculpting techniques for creating tiled [[Normal map|normal maps]] and [[DisplacementMap|displacement maps]].
=== Tiled Cliffs and Grounds ===
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2107745#post2107745 Muddy/wet/grassy/rocky/watery/many things ground] walkthrough by [http://www.purepolygons.com/ Jacob "jacob07777" Norris].
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1920041&postcount=51 Tiled rock wall tutorial] by [http://www.boyoart.com/ Mathieu "Boyo" Gasperin].
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=138860 Tutorial Tiling cliff/rock for zbrush] by [http://arifcreations.com/blog/2012/01/21/tileable-rock-texture-in-zbrush/ Arif "xvampire" Pribadi].
[http://fafart.blogspot.fr/p/tutorial.html Zbrush/Photoshop stylized tiled texture workflow] - by [http://fafart.blogspot.fr/ Fanny "Faf" Vergne]. From the Polycount Forum thread [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=125737 Texturing - Siege Of Orgrimmar - WOW].
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122359 The Last of Us Art dump / Rogelio Olguin] - by [http://rogelioolguin.wordpress.com/ Rogelio 'rogelio' Olguin], a Naughty Dog artist working on The Last of Us. See also [[TheLastOfUsTerrain]].
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84643 Solutions for sculpting tileable textures (other than bricks) in zbrush 4] - Zbrush method to tile using an imported mesh and brushes with [[WrapMode]].
[http://www.youtube.com/user/rooz3d#p/u Rock sculpting videos] (silent timelapse) - by [http://www.rooz3d.com Behrooz 'rooz3d' Roozbeh], a Naughty Dog artist working on Uncharted 2.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1162492#post1162492 Temple Interior tiling texture process] - by [http://nicole-tan.com/ Nicole 'Khalamea' Tan]
[http://osart3d.wordpress.com/home-page/tutorial-creating-perfectly-tiling-meshes-in-zbrush-for-use-in-videogame-environments/ Creating Perfectly Tiling Meshes in Zbrush for use in Videogame Environments] - by [http://osart3d.wordpress.com/ Owen 'SHEPEIRO' Shepherd]. Using ZBrush's 2.5D canvas to tile stamped meshes, then using Maya to model tilable geometry.
[http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2009/11/here-another-tutorial-concerning.html Tileable Stone in Mudbox] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]. Sculpting in Mudbox, loading the displacement map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams with more sculpting in Mudbox.
[http://stephenjameson.com/tutorials/tiling-rock-tutorial/ Tiling Rock Tutorial in Zbrush] - by [http://stephenjameson.com/ Stephen Jameson]. Sculpting in Zbrush, loading the normal map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams in Photoshop.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1214618&postcount=56 Tiling Rock Wall in Zbrush and Crazybump] - by [http://bobbyrice.blogspot.com/ Bobby 'crazyeyes' Rice]. Creating displacement map in Crazybump, then sculpting in Zbrush.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95166 (Tutorial) Tileable Textures] - by [http://www.seanmarino.com/ Sean 'Oniram' Marino]. Video tutorials using 3ds Max, Zbrush, Xnormal, and UDK to generate tiled stone textures.
[[TilingRockWallBeyer|Tiling Rock Wall Tutorial]] - by [http://raveal.net/p/25976 Hugo 'bugo' Beyer]
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1288881#post1288881 Gravel Texture with Maya Dynamics] - by [http://www.linkedin.com/in/sltrolsson Valdemar 'sltrOlsson' Nyhlén]. Using Maya Dynamics to drop stones into a container and create a tiling gravel texture.
=== Tiled Bricks ===
[http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2476046/#Comment_2476046 Zbrush and Substance Designer workflow by Bardler]
[http://georgesokol.blogspot.com/2014/06/tiled-sculpts-in-zbrush-using-offset.html Tiled Sculpts in Zbrush Using Offset SubTools] - by [http://www.georgesokol.com/ George "gsokol" Sokol].
[https://environmentart.wordpress.com/ Environment Art Blog] - by [http://www.richardpipespiper.com/ Richard 'pipes' Piper] and [http://onlinewarriors.beyondunreal.com/ Rogelio 'rogelio' Olguin], also see the [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=143337 Polycount Forum thread].
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=126224 ZBrush Tiling Sculpts] - Zbrush methods to tile directly on a tool using brushes. One uses a double-size sculpt, the other uses [[WrapMode]].
[http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/mudbox2013/en_us/index.html?url=files/GUID-B317C4E5-9E09-4332-AD52-8908F6EB18C3.htm,topicNumber=d30e6292 Mudbox Basics > Sculpt or paint on a tiling plane] - Mudbox has a Tiling Plane primitive for easy tiled sculpting.
[http://pixologic.com/zclassroom/workshop/environments-with-tate-mosesian Pixologic - ZBrush - ZClassroom Digital Sculpting - Environments With Tate Mosesian] . Video tutorial from Pixologic about using Zbrush to create tiled textures, by the Lead Environment Artist at [http://www.naughtydog.com/ Naughty Dog].
[http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?34651-Pixologic-Release-Learning-Series-Tileable-Textures Pixologic Release - Learning Series: Tileable Textures]. Video tutorial from Pixologic about using Zbrush to create tiled textures. Includes a free ZScript called Layer Shift that will enable you to shift all layers on your canvas half the width or height of your canvas (similar to the Offset [[PhotoshopTools#Actions.2C_Filters.2C_Scripts|Photoshop filter]]).
[https://www.3dmotive.com/f101301/ Tileable textures with Zbrush] ($) - by [http://technical-eden.blogspot.com/ Ryan James Smith]. ($) 3dmotive tutorial about creating tiled pavers with 3ds Max, Zbrush, and Photoshop.
[[Image:Decals crytek.png]]
[http://freesdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDOC3/Using+Decals+for+Destroyed+Structures Using Decals for Destroyed Structures] - from the [http://freesdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDOC3/Home CryENGINE Art Asset Creation Guide]. Using alpha blended decals for broken concrete edges.
[[Image:Decals nyhlen.png]]
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=100867 Broken concrete for CE3 (Tutorial)] - by [http://vnyhlen.se/ Valdemar 'sltrOlsson' Nyhlén]. Video tutorials using Zbrush and Maya to generate tiled maps for broken concrete edges.
[http://mathiascadyck.blogspot.com/2011/01/test-6.html Floor Baking Tutorial] - by [http://www.polycount.com/forum/member.php?u=31456 Mathias 'MrFrags' Cadyck]. Designing, modeling, baking, and texturing a stone floor texture, using Maya, Zbrush, Xnormal, and Photoshop.
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?p=1101338#post1101338 Modular brick wall tiling] - by [http://iamglynnsmith.com/ Glynn Smith]. Tips and screenshots for sculpting modular brick walls.
[https://polycount.com/discussion/62114/gears2-environment-art/p1 Gears of War 2 modular modeling] - by [http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Rorshach Kevin Johnstone],  [https://polycount.com/discussion/comment/924738/#Comment_924738 + more info], [https://polycount.com/discussion/comment/925346/#Comment_925346 + even more info]. Tips and screenshots of using the grid for modular work.
[http://www.brameulaers.net/tutorials/generic_wall_tutorial/generic_wall_tutorial.html Generic wall tutorial] - by [http://www.brameulaers.net Bram 'Peris' Eulaers]. Using 3ds Max and Mudbox to sculpt tilable [[:Category:EnvironmentModularity|modular sections]] for a stone wall.
== Sculpting Individual Objects ==
== Sculpting Individual Objects ==
Sculpting techniques for creating individual non-tiling objects.
Sculpting techniques for creating individual non-tiling meshes.
=== Bricks and Tiles ===
=== Bricks and Tiles ===
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_michaelvicente.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1321690#post1321690 Orb - My work on Crasher] - by [http://orbart.free.fr/ Michael 'Orb' Vicente]<<BR>>Painterly style sculpting and texturing.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_ardolinoproceduralwall.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/stone-placement-tools Stone Placement Tools script for 3dsmax] - by [http://www.aardolino.com/ Alessandro Ardolino]<<BR>>A scripted tool for creating stone walls and floors in 3ds max.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1139967#post1139967 UDK - Tristram Tunnels Test] - by [http://darkrusaderdesigns.com/ Travis 'Darkrusader' Castillo]. Painterly style sculpting and texturing using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and UDK.
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_manjuriantile.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZbjZDh6fbs Tiles for normal map in Zbrush 3.5] - by [http://www.youtube.com/user/manjurian 'manjurian']<<BR>>Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a section of distressed tiles, with grout.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1321690#post1321690 Orb - My work on Crasher] - by [http://orbart.free.fr/ Michael 'Orb' Vicente]. Painterly style sculpting and texturing.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88996 my work at PI] - by [http://gulienallard.free.fr Allard 'Alloa' Julien]. Painterly style sculpting and texturing.
[http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/stone-placement-tools Stone Placement Tools script for 3dsmax] - by [http://www.aardolino.com/ Alessandro Ardolino]. A scripted tool for creating stone walls and floors in 3ds max.
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZbjZDh6fbs Tiles for normal map in Zbrush 3.5] - by [http://www.youtube.com/user/manjurian 'manjurian']. Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a section of distressed tiles, with grout.
=== Metal ===
=== Metal ===
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_plunqironworks.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjaoAnJGyMA ZSketch Ironworks] - by [http://www.youtube.com/user/plunq 'plunq']<<BR>>Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a wrought iron screen, from reference.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_weldseams.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62214 Weld Seams] <<BR>>Thread on Polycount about modeling weld seams.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjaoAnJGyMA ZSketch Ironworks] - by [http://www.youtube.com/user/plunq 'plunq']. Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a wrought iron screen, from reference.
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62214 Weld Seams]. Thread on Polycount about modeling weld seams.
=== Rock and Stone ===
=== Rock and Stone ===
[http://www.michalhoz.com/#!tutorials/c1p93 Rubble Breakdown] by [http://www.michalhoz.com/ Michal '_Michal_' Hoz]
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_yeramian.png]] <<BR>> [http://vimeo.com/21600799 Quickly Making Large Scale Rubble] - by Timothee Yeramian<<BR>>Using 3ds max procedurals to quickly sculpt a concrete chunks.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_rockmodelingapproaches.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=50160 Rock modeling approaches] - a [http://boards.polycount.net/ Polycount] thread <<BR>>A variety of approaches for sculpting individual rocks and tilable cliffs.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_henrichsproceduralstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2010/03/3dsmax-environment-modeling-1.html 3dsmax Environment Modeling #1 Procedural Stone] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]<<BR>>Using 3ds max procedural modifiers and maps to sculpt a sandstone rock, and easily create multiple variations.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_ardolinoproceduralstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/rock-generator Rock Generator script for 3dsmax] - by [http://www.aardolino.com/ Alessandro Ardolino]<<BR>>A scripted tool for creating rocks in 3ds max, inspired by Sascha Henrichs' tutorial.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_amorimstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://edgesize.com/stoneTUT.php Stone Tutorial] - by [http://edgesize.com Pedro 'bitmap' Amorim]<<BR>>Sculpting a rock using Modo, ZBrush, Meshlab, and Photoshop.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_christopher.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.jmchristopher.com/portfolio/rockTutorial/rockTutorial.html Rock Sculpting Tutorial] - by [http://www.jmchristopher.com Jacob M. Christopher].<<BR>>Sculpting unique non-tiled rock forms with Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, and Unreal.<<BR>><<BR>>
=== Wood ===
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_henrichsenvironment.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=67362 Sculpting for environment stuff - video tutorials] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]<<BR>>Sculpting a wooden plank, a sandstone rock, and a tiled cliff.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=125857 Rawk - Post any rocks you make here!] Polycount Forum thread
== Sculpting Tilable Maps ==
Sculpting techniques for creating tilable [[NormalMap|normal maps]] and [[DisplacementMap|displacement maps]].
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_robsonmudboxtiling.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.mudboxhub.com/s/videos Creating Tiled Textures and Displacement in Mudbox 2009] - by [http://www.dashdotslash.net/ Wayne Robson]<<BR>>Painting in Mudbox on the middle of a 3x3 grid where each quad has the same overlapped UVs. (video is about halfway down the page)<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110812 Zbrush Video Rock Formation tutorial] - by [http://raveal.net/p/25976 Hugo 'bugo' Beyer]. Two video tutorials about sculpting layered rocks with ZBrush.
=== Tilable Stone ===
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_sltrOlsson.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1288881#post1288881 Gravel Texture with Maya Dynamics] - by [http://www.linkedin.com/in/sltrolsson Valdemar 'sltrOlsson' Nyhlén]<<BR>>Using Maya Dynamics to drop stones into a container and create a tiling gravel texture.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_mathiascadyck.png]] <<BR>> [http://mathiascadyck.blogspot.com/2011/01/test-6.html Floor Baking Tutorial] - by [http://www.polycount.com/forum/member.php?u=31456 Mathias 'MrFrags' Cadyck]<<BR>>Designing, modeling, baking, and texturing a stone floor texture, using Maya, Zbrush, Xnormal, and Photoshop.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1143296#post1143296 UDK - Tristram Tunnels Test] - by [http://darkrusaderdesigns.com/ Travis 'Darkrusader' Castillo]. Sculpting a stone figure using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and UDK.
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_glynnsmithwall.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?p=1101338#post1101338 Modular brick wall tiling] - by [http://iamglynnsmith.com/ Glynn Smith]<<BR>>Tips and screenshots for sculpting modular brick walls.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_johnstonegears2modular.png]] <<BR>> [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?p=924231#post924231 Gears of War 2 modular modeling] - by [http://wiki.polycount.net/Rorshach Kevin Johnstone] [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?p=924738#post924738 + more info] [http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?p=925346#post925346 + even more info]<<BR>>Tips and screenshots of using the grid for modular work.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_eulaerswall.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.brameulaers.com/tutorials/generic_wall_tutorial/generic_wall_tutorial.html Generic wall tutorial] - by [http://www.brameulaers.com Bram 'Peris' Eulaers]<<BR>>Using 3ds Max and Mudbox to sculpt tilable [[Category:Environment#EW|modular sections]] for a stone wall.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://picasaweb.google.com/TheEnolaJay/ZBrush3PolyPaintingTutorialI ZBrush 3 Poly Painting Tutorial I] - by [http://gearsofwar.xbox.com/Templates/Secondary.aspx?id=152 Josh Jay]. Using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and Xnormal to sculpt a rock model.
[http://vimeo.com/21600799 Quickly Making Large Scale Rubble] - by Timothee Yeramian. Using 3ds max procedurals to quickly sculpt a concrete chunks.
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=50160 Rock modeling approaches] - Polycount Forum thread. A variety of approaches for sculpting individual rocks and tilable cliffs.
[http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2010/03/3dsmax-environment-modeling-1.html 3dsmax Environment Modeling #1 Procedural Stone] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]. Using 3ds max procedural modifiers and maps to sculpt a sandstone rock, and easily create multiple variations.
[http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/rock-generator Rock Generator script for 3dsmax] - by [http://www.aardolino.com/ Alessandro Ardolino]. A scripted tool for creating rocks in 3ds max, inspired by Sascha Henrichs' tutorial.
[http://edgesize.com/stoneTUT.php Stone Tutorial] - by [http://edgesize.com Pedro 'bitmap' Amorim]. Sculpting a rock using Modo, ZBrush, Meshlab, and Photoshop.
[http://www.jmchristopher.com/portfolio/rockTutorial/rockTutorial.html Rock Sculpting Tutorial] - by [http://www.jmchristopher.com Jacob M. Christopher]. Sculpting unique non-tiled rock forms with Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, and Unreal.
=== Wood ===
[http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/woodrough/woodrough.html Rough Wood Planks Tutorial] - by [http://www.philipk.net Philip 'Philipk' Klevestav]. Sculpting and painting a rough wood texture using Zbrush, 3ds Max and Photoshop. More sculpting tutorials at http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/materials.html.
=== Tilable Cliffs ===
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_rooz3d.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.youtube.com/user/rooz3d#p/u Rock sculpting videos] (silent timelapse) - by [http://www.rooz3d.com Behrooz 'rooz3d' Roozbeh], a Naughty Dog artist working on Uncharted 2.<<BR>><<BR>>
[http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=67362 Sculpting for environment stuff - video tutorials] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]. Sculpting a wooden plank, a sandstone rock, and a tiled cliff.
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_beyer.png]] <<BR>> [[TilingRockWallBeyer|Tiling Rock Wall Tutorial]] - by [http://raveal.net/p/25976 Hugo 'bugo' Beyer]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_khalamea.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1162492#post1162492 Temple Interior tiling texture process] - by [http://nicole-tan.com/ Nicole 'Khalamea' Tan]<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_shepherdtilingmeshes.png]] <<BR>> [http://osart3d.wordpress.com/home-page/tutorial-creating-perfectly-tiling-meshes-in-zbrush-for-use-in-videogame-environments/ Creating Perfectly Tiling Meshes in Zbrush for use in Videogame Environments] - by [http://osart3d.wordpress.com/ Owen 'SHEPEIRO' Shepherd]<<BR>>Using ZBrush's 2.5D canvas to tile stamped meshes, then using Maya to model tilable geometry.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_henrichsmudboxtilingstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/2009/11/here-another-tutorial-concerning.html Tileable Stone in Mudbox] - by [http://saschahenrichs.blogspot.com/ Sascha Henrichs]<<BR>>Sculpting in Mudbox, loading the displacement map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams with more sculpting in Mudbox.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_jamesonzbrushtilingstone.png]] <<BR>> [http://stephenjameson.com/tutorials/tiling-rock-tutorial/ Tiling Rock Tutorial in Zbrush] - by [http://stephenjameson.com/ Stephen Jameson]<<BR>>Sculpting in Zbrush, loading the normal map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams in Photoshop.<<BR>><<BR>>
* [[Image:EnvironmentSculpting$sculpt_ricezbrushtiling.png]] <<BR>> [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1214618&postcount=56 Tiling Rock Wall in Zbrush and Crazybump] - by [http://bobbyrice.blogspot.com/ Bobby 'crazyeyes' Rice]<<BR>>Creating displacement map in Crazybump, then sculpting in Zbrush.<<BR>><<BR>>
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<span id="Sculpting_Apps"></span><span id="Decimation_Apps"></span><<Anchor(Re-Topology_Apps)>><span id="Base_Mesh_Advice"></span><span id="Base_Meshes"></span><span id="Character_Sculpting"></span><<Anchor(Hard-Surface_Sculpting)>><<Anchor(Optimization_And_Re-Topology)>>
== More Information ==
== More Information ==
* [[Category:Tools#A3D_Sculpting_Software|3D Sculpting Software]]  
* [http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96425 Free Custom Zbrush Brushes] by [http://www.michaeldunnam.com/ Michael Dunnam]
* [[Tools#3D_Sculpting_Software|3D Sculpting Software]]  
* [[BaseMesh]]  
* [[BaseMesh]]  
* [[Category:Topology]]
* [[:Category:Topology]]
* [[CharacterSculpting]]  
* [[CharacterSculpting]]  
* [[MultiTexture]]
* [[ReTopologyModeling]]
* [[ReTopologyModeling]]
* [[SubdivisionSurfaceModeling]]
* [[SubdivisionSurfaceModeling]]
[[Category:Environment]] [[Category:EnvironmentModeling]] [[Category:EnvironmentTexturing]] [[Category:TextureTechnique]]

Latest revision as of 08:36, 27 November 2024

Environment sculpting is the process of creating a high-resolution 3D model with a series of painting strokes, using 3D sculpting software. Usually the details from these models are baked into a Normal map for a lower-resolution in-game model.

Sculpting Tiled Maps

Sculpting techniques for creating tiled normal maps and displacement maps.

Tiled Cliffs and Grounds

Jacobnorris ground.jpg Muddy/wet/grassy/rocky/watery/many things ground walkthrough by Jacob "jacob07777" Norris.

Boyo tut 08.jpg Tiled rock wall tutorial by Mathieu "Boyo" Gasperin.

Xvampire cliffsculpt.jpg Tutorial Tiling cliff/rock for zbrush by Arif "xvampire" Pribadi.

FannyVergne tutorial coal.jpg Zbrush/Photoshop stylized tiled texture workflow - by Fanny "Faf" Vergne. From the Polycount Forum thread Texturing - Siege Of Orgrimmar - WOW.

Sculpt rogelio.png The Last of Us Art dump / Rogelio Olguin - by Rogelio 'rogelio' Olguin, a Naughty Dog artist working on The Last of Us. See also TheLastOfUsTerrain.

Sculpt m4dcow.png Solutions for sculpting tileable textures (other than bricks) in zbrush 4 - Zbrush method to tile using an imported mesh and brushes with WrapMode.

Sculpt rooz3d.png Rock sculpting videos (silent timelapse) - by Behrooz 'rooz3d' Roozbeh, a Naughty Dog artist working on Uncharted 2.

Sculpt khalamea.png Temple Interior tiling texture process - by Nicole 'Khalamea' Tan

Sculpt shepherdtilingmeshes.png Creating Perfectly Tiling Meshes in Zbrush for use in Videogame Environments - by Owen 'SHEPEIRO' Shepherd. Using ZBrush's 2.5D canvas to tile stamped meshes, then using Maya to model tilable geometry.

Sculpt henrichsmudboxtilingstone.png Tileable Stone in Mudbox - by Sascha Henrichs. Sculpting in Mudbox, loading the displacement map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams with more sculpting in Mudbox.

Sculpt jamesonzbrushtilingstone.png Tiling Rock Tutorial in Zbrush - by Stephen Jameson. Sculpting in Zbrush, loading the normal map in Photoshop for the offset filter, then fixing the seams in Photoshop.

Sculpt ricezbrushtiling.png Tiling Rock Wall in Zbrush and Crazybump - by Bobby 'crazyeyes' Rice. Creating displacement map in Crazybump, then sculpting in Zbrush.

Sculpt marino.png (Tutorial) Tileable Textures - by Sean 'Oniram' Marino. Video tutorials using 3ds Max, Zbrush, Xnormal, and UDK to generate tiled stone textures.

Sculpt beyer.png Tiling Rock Wall Tutorial - by Hugo 'bugo' Beyer

Sculpt sltrOlsson.png Gravel Texture with Maya Dynamics - by Valdemar 'sltrOlsson' Nyhlén. Using Maya Dynamics to drop stones into a container and create a tiling gravel texture.

Tiled Bricks

Zbrush and Substance Designer workflow by Bardler

GeorgeSokol zbrushtilingoffsetsubtools tut fullres.jpg Tiled Sculpts in Zbrush Using Offset SubTools - by George "gsokol" Sokol.

Envblog.jpg Environment Art Blog - by Richard 'pipes' Piper and Rogelio 'rogelio' Olguin, also see the Polycount Forum thread.

Sculpt IFoughtABear.png ZBrush Tiling Sculpts - Zbrush methods to tile directly on a tool using brushes. One uses a double-size sculpt, the other uses WrapMode.

Sculpt robsonmudboxtiling.png Mudbox Basics > Sculpt or paint on a tiling plane - Mudbox has a Tiling Plane primitive for easy tiled sculpting.

Sculpt mosesian.png Pixologic - ZBrush - ZClassroom Digital Sculpting - Environments With Tate Mosesian . Video tutorial from Pixologic about using Zbrush to create tiled textures, by the Lead Environment Artist at Naughty Dog.

Sculpt pixologictileable.png Pixologic Release - Learning Series: Tileable Textures. Video tutorial from Pixologic about using Zbrush to create tiled textures. Includes a free ZScript called Layer Shift that will enable you to shift all layers on your canvas half the width or height of your canvas (similar to the Offset Photoshop filter).

Sculpt 3dmotivetiled.png Tileable textures with Zbrush ($) - by Ryan James Smith. ($) 3dmotive tutorial about creating tiled pavers with 3ds Max, Zbrush, and Photoshop.

Decals crytek.png Using Decals for Destroyed Structures - from the CryENGINE Art Asset Creation Guide. Using alpha blended decals for broken concrete edges.

Decals nyhlen.png Broken concrete for CE3 (Tutorial) - by Valdemar 'sltrOlsson' Nyhlén. Video tutorials using Zbrush and Maya to generate tiled maps for broken concrete edges.

Sculpt mathiascadyck.png Floor Baking Tutorial - by Mathias 'MrFrags' Cadyck. Designing, modeling, baking, and texturing a stone floor texture, using Maya, Zbrush, Xnormal, and Photoshop.

Sculpt glynnsmithwall.png Modular brick wall tiling - by Glynn Smith. Tips and screenshots for sculpting modular brick walls.

Sculpt johnstonegears2modular.png Gears of War 2 modular modeling - by Kevin Johnstone, + more info, + even more info. Tips and screenshots of using the grid for modular work.

Sculpt eulaerswall.png Generic wall tutorial - by Bram 'Peris' Eulaers. Using 3ds Max and Mudbox to sculpt tilable modular sections for a stone wall.

Sculpting Individual Objects

Sculpting techniques for creating individual non-tiling meshes.

Bricks and Tiles

Sculpt castillo.png UDK - Tristram Tunnels Test - by Travis 'Darkrusader' Castillo. Painterly style sculpting and texturing using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and UDK.

Sculpt michaelvicente.png Orb - My work on Crasher - by Michael 'Orb' Vicente. Painterly style sculpting and texturing.

Sculpt allardjulien.png my work at PI - by Allard 'Alloa' Julien. Painterly style sculpting and texturing.

Sculpt ardolinoproceduralwall.png Stone Placement Tools script for 3dsmax - by Alessandro Ardolino. A scripted tool for creating stone walls and floors in 3ds max.

Sculpt manjuriantile.png Tiles for normal map in Zbrush 3.5 - by 'manjurian'. Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a section of distressed tiles, with grout.


Sculpt plunqironworks.png ZSketch Ironworks - by 'plunq'. Silent timelapse showing the sculpting of a wrought iron screen, from reference.

Sculpt weldseams.png Weld Seams. Thread on Polycount about modeling weld seams.

Rock and Stone

Sculpt hoz.png Rubble Breakdown by Michal '_Michal_' Hoz

Sculpt rocksthread.png Rawk - Post any rocks you make here! Polycount Forum thread

Sculpt beyer2.png Zbrush Video Rock Formation tutorial - by Hugo 'bugo' Beyer. Two video tutorials about sculpting layered rocks with ZBrush.

Sculpt castillo2.png UDK - Tristram Tunnels Test - by Travis 'Darkrusader' Castillo. Sculpting a stone figure using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and UDK.

Sculpt joshjay.jpg ZBrush 3 Poly Painting Tutorial I - by Josh Jay. Using ZBrush, 3ds Max, and Xnormal to sculpt a rock model.

Sculpt yeramian.png Quickly Making Large Scale Rubble - by Timothee Yeramian. Using 3ds max procedurals to quickly sculpt a concrete chunks.

Sculpt rockmodelingapproaches.png Rock modeling approaches - Polycount Forum thread. A variety of approaches for sculpting individual rocks and tilable cliffs.

Sculpt henrichsproceduralstone.png 3dsmax Environment Modeling #1 Procedural Stone - by Sascha Henrichs. Using 3ds max procedural modifiers and maps to sculpt a sandstone rock, and easily create multiple variations.

Sculpt ardolinoproceduralstone.png Rock Generator script for 3dsmax - by Alessandro Ardolino. A scripted tool for creating rocks in 3ds max, inspired by Sascha Henrichs' tutorial.

Sculpt amorimstone.png Stone Tutorial - by Pedro 'bitmap' Amorim. Sculpting a rock using Modo, ZBrush, Meshlab, and Photoshop.

Sculpt christopher.png Rock Sculpting Tutorial - by Jacob M. Christopher. Sculpting unique non-tiled rock forms with Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, and Unreal.


Sculpt philipkwood.png Rough Wood Planks Tutorial - by Philip 'Philipk' Klevestav. Sculpting and painting a rough wood texture using Zbrush, 3ds Max and Photoshop. More sculpting tutorials at http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/materials.html.

Sculpt henrichsenvironment.png Sculpting for environment stuff - video tutorials - by Sascha Henrichs. Sculpting a wooden plank, a sandstone rock, and a tiled cliff.

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